in the beginning — "

Bridget New Zealand


At some stage of his life it will have occurred to every TV to wonder how it all started, how it began, what particular circumstances made him different, and set him upon this course, which is at times a great difficulty to him and again at times a great delight. It is quite impor- tant to each individual to understand his own background, and in this way to help him to achieve happiness and fulfillment. To read of the early experiences of others helps greatly to understand one's own moti- vations and the situations which went to guide his own thoughts and actions in this developmental stage. I read with great interest the article in IVia No. 73, entitled "Another Possibility" on page 67. I hope the narration of my first experience may be of as much interest to others.

At the age of 18 I was a shy, slim, fair boy, brought up very properly. taught to respect and almost to revere womanhood, and to obey them unquestioningly: I had always been mystified and fascinated by women's clothing, but I had no opportunity to wear it. so perhaps I was uncon- sciously receptive for what happened. I lived in a small town and the great depression was barely over in 1936 and most people were poorly situated.

My playmate was a boy of my own age. Billy Keen, and his father was one of the few affluent people in the area. He was an only child, and very spoilt, and idolized his father rather than his mother. It was undoubted- ly these circumstances which led Mrs. Keen to be friendly with me. after she got to know me, and see into my nature. She recognized in me a pli- able nature, an obedient and a "nice" little boy, who could, given th right manipulation, become the child companion in the home whom she missed in her own son. She would have dearly loved to have had a daughter, but obviously to her, I could become a satisfactory substitute.